What is GriefShare?

Our prayer group meets Thursdays at 9:00 – 10:00.

We pray for our congregation’s prayer requests as well as for our community, country and world.   We read scripture and pray.  It is an open group, but prayer requests are confidential within the prayer group.

Prayer requests may be submitted on our website.

At GriefShare you’ll receive valuable guidance and tips, leading you to relief, comfort, and peace of mind.

We meet Wednesday at 1:00 PM in the conference room

#1 grief support group program in the world


What happens during a typical group meeting?


Each week you’ll view a 30-minute video on a grief-related topic, featuring valuable insights from counselors, pastors, and others who’ve lost a loved one. Then your group will discuss the video and how it applies to your lives. You’ll also receive a book with helpful tips and exercises for personal support throughout the week.


How much does it cost to attend?


For most groups the cost ranges from free to around $20 to cover the cost of your participant guide. Contact the church that is hosting a group near you (or online) to find out.


How does GriefShare compare with other grief support options?


While other grief support sites may offer phone or video consultations with a professional, we have found a group support setting to be crucial for healing. One-on-one counsel is certainly helpful, but a more complete healing is found in the context of having people walk alongside you on the grief journey.


Is GriefShare for people with a specific type of loss?


GriefShare is for everyone who is grieving the death of a loved one—whether you’ve experienced the loss of a spouse, parent, child (infant, young child, teen, adult, unborn), friend, sibling, coworker, or other relative.